Continuamos con la serie de posts sobre phrasal verbs para que cada vez te resulte más fácil conocerlos y empezar a utilizarlos. Esta vez prestaremos atención a varios phrasal verbs con come de uso habitual. Como siempre, os los presentamos con definiciones y ejemplos para que quede más claro.
Come on, let’s go! Comenzamos! ✏️
Come about – to happen or occur – suceder, ocurrir.
How did this situation come about?
How did the fire come about?
Come across – to find by chance / accident – encontrar por casualidad.
I came across some old photographs when I cleaned up the attic.
She came across Rob when she was at the bank.
Come along – to develop, to make progress – desarrollar, progresar (o hacer progresos).
How is the project coming along?
I think we are coming along, we expect to finish soon.
Come along – to appear or to arrive – llegar, aparecer.
A bus should come along any minute now.
An opportunity came along and I took the job.
Come along – to go somewhere with someone – acompañar.
We are going to have a coffee. Would you like to come along?
Come back – to return – volver.
He’s not here at the moment. Could you come back later?
Come by – to be able to get something difficult – conseguir.
Cheap organic food it’s not easy to come by.
How did you come by that wonderful apartment?
Come down with – to become ill – caer enfermo.
I’m not feeling well, I think I’m coming down with a cold.
Come forward – to offer to do something, to volunteer – ofrecerse, presentarse voluntario.
Only one person of the team came forward to help.
Come over – to visit someone in their house – visitar, pasarse a ver.
Will you come over on Friday evening?
His parents are coming over for the weekend.
Come out – to become known- conocerse, salir a la luz.
The truth will come out sooner or later.
When is the new edition coming out?
Come (a)round – to change your opinion – cambiar de opinión (dejarse convencer).
In the end, we came round and accepted their expert advice.
I think they will come round to our way of seeing things.
Come (a)round – to visit someone – pasarse a ver.
Sure, come (a)round! I can show my new collection.
Come round – to recover consciousness – recobrar la consciencia.
She was coming round, but she was a bit confused after the surgery.
Come up – appear, happen, occur (unexpectedly) – ocurrir, surgir.
I’m sorry I miss the meeting, something came up in the last minute.
Come up with – to think of an idea/ a plan – pensar, dar con una idea o un plan.
They came up with a fantastic plan to make processes more efficient.
Los phrasal verbs son un tema recurrente a la hora de aprender inglés y una forma de ampliar vocabulario y comunicarnos como lo haría un hablante nativo, échale un vistazo a otros posts de esta serie sobre phrasal verbs aquí ????
???? Phrasal verbs con take
???? Phrasal verbs con get
???? Phrasal verbs con look
Es importante aprender a usar los phrasal verbs en un contexto adecuado y también es necesario identificarlos cuando los utilizan los hablantes nativos, así te resultará un poco menos «tricky». Presta atención y observa cómo los usan para después ponerlos en práctica en tu speaking.
Come on! You can do it!