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Halloween está cerca, os dejamos algunas expresiones y vocabulario para hablar del miedo en inglés.

Podemos hablar de cosas que nos dan miedo utilizando las siguientes expresiones: 

Sean is scared of heights.
I’m afraid of spiders.
They were frightened of ghosts.

Puedes utilizar estas frases para decir que algo te pone la piel de gallina:
It gave me the chills or  it gave me goosebumps

Cuando alguien te está dando un susto de muerte:
When someone scares the hell out of you or scares the life out of you.  

A veces tiemblas de miedo o se te sale el corazón:
Sometimes you even shake with fear  or  you jump out of your skin por ejemplo, cuando ves una película de terror.

Puedes utilizar estas frases cuando tienes esa sensación de escalofrío que recorre la espalda o que hace que se te ericen los pelillos del cuello:
Sometimes it just this weird feeling that sends shivers/chills down your spine or make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.  (Also – you feel your neck skin crawl)

Some other adjectives: scary, creepy, frightening, spooky, terrifying, spine-chilling, hair-raising…

Terrorífico verdad? ahora a ponerlas en práctica!

To care is to share (o dicho de otra forma, si te ha gustado comparte!)

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    Diferencias entre job and work y cómo usarlos correctamente

    Las palabras job and work son palabras que utilizamos a diario, aunque no siempre de manera correcta, porque nos cuesta ver la diferencia entre una y otra. En el post de hoy te damos las claves para que aprendas a usar job and work correctamente.

    Let’s work on it!


    JOB es un sustantivo contable (countable noun) y se refiere a trabajo en el sentido de puesto de trabajo o empleo, lo que haces para ganar dinero, tu ocupación.

    What do you do? What’s your job?
    I love my job. I’m a nurse.
    He finally found a job last week.
    She had two jobs, she worked as a scientist and also as a part-time teacher.
    Young people have more difficulties to find a job.
    Are you looking for a new job?

    Job también puede referirse a una tarea o un trabajo en particular, como por ejemplo

    I had a few jobs to do at home this month, like painting and installing a new floor.
    My parents always find little jobs for me to do in the garden.
    He is retired but he has lot of jobs (things to do) to keep himself busy.

    Podemos encontrar la palabra job en expresiones como:

    A job interview
    To look for a job
    To apply for a job
    To find / get a job
    To lose / leave / quit a job
    A full-time / part-time job
    A permanent / temporary job
    A rewarding / challenging job


    WORK puede ser un sustantivo incontable (uncountable noun) o un verbo. Como sustantivo, es más general que job y se refiere a trabajo en general, en el sentido de actividades o esfuerzos que haces (como parte de tu trabajo o no) para conseguir algo. También puede hacer referencia a tu lugar de trabajo.

    I work as a nurse. I love my job.
    I’m busy. I have a lot of work at the moment.
    A large part of the work we do involves using computers.
    Doing the cleaning at home it’s a lot of work.
    He starts work at 8 o’clock every morning.
    I usually go to work by train.
    Would you like to go for a drink after work?

    Podemos encontrar la palabra work en expresiones como:

    A hard/difficult work
    A lot of work
    To work hard
    To start/leave/finish work
    To go/get to work
    To be at work

    Como verbo, podemos utilizar work con diferentes preposiciones:

    You work in a city or area.
    E.g. He works in Madrid.

    You work in a place such as a bank, shop, etc.
    E.g. She works in a library.

    You work at / for a company or organisation.
    E.g. They work at the city council.
    I work at / for a consulting firm.
    He works at LMI bank.

    You work in an industry or a type of job.
    E.g. She works in advertising.

    You work as a waiter, cashier, accountant, etc.
    E.g. He works as a cook.
    I work as a design consultant.

    You work on a project or task.
    E.g. Several people worked on the report.
    I’m working on a market analysis.

    You work with people or things.
    E.g. They work with children in need.
    We work with dangerous chemical substances.


    Para que te resulte más fácil te dejamos esta infografía con ejemplos de uso correcto e incorrecto de job and work.


    job and work


    Y finalmente para ponerte a prueba y ver si lo tienes claro puedes realizar este ejercicio.

    Completa con job o work las siguientes frases:

    I _____ part-time at a restaurant.
    She has two _____ to support her family.
    They usually finish _____ at 19 p.m.
    He is trying to find a _____ in advertising.
    I started _____ when I was 20.
    She’s not here right now. She’s at _____.
    We had a full-time _____ at a local university.


    I WORK part-time at a restaurant.
    She has two JOBS to support her family.
    They usually finish WORK at 19 p.m.
    He is trying to find a JOB in advertising.
    I started WORK when I was 20.
    She’s not here right now. She’s at WORK.
    We had a full-time JOB at a local university


    Esperamos que este post sobre job and work te sea de ayuda, además si quieres ver más tips de vocabulario relacionados con el trabajo te recomendamos el post cómo hablar de trabajo en inglés


    3 min.
    Cómo hablar de problemas y dificultades en inglés

    En nuestra vida diaria, tanto personal como en el trabajo, tenemos que enfrentarnos a situaciones difíciles y a problemas de todo tipo.

    En el post de hoy veremos cómo hablar y describir problemas y dificultades en inglés. Let’s go!

    Para describir problemas y dificultades podemos utilizar varias estructuras, con palabras como difficult, hard, problem, trouble…

    To have difficulty
    It’s difficult / hard to (do something)
    I find it difficult / hard to (do something)

    I had difficulties to find my first job.
    It is hard for him to understand complex technical texts.
    I find it difficult to speak on the phone in English.

    Más opciones con el verbo have + problems / trouble

    To have problems with (something)
    To have trouble with (something)
    To have problems (doing something)
    To have trouble (doing something)

    He usually has trouble with the wi-fi connection.
    We will have problems with the budget.
    They had problems installing the new version.
    She has trouble writing mails in English.

    Observa: utilizamos problems normalmente en plural pero trouble suele ir en singular.

    Otros verbos que podemos usar para referirnos a situaciones difíciles:

    To face a problem / a situation – enfrentarse a un problema

    We faced some problems when we launched the website.

    To run into difficulties– encontrarse con dificultades

    They run into difficulties to change the trip arrangements.

    To deal with a problem / a situation- manejar, ocuparse de un problema y tomar las acciones necesarias para solucionarlo.

    En este caso, podemos utilizar varios verbos con un significado similar

    To manage
    To handle
    To tackle

    We need to tackle this problem as soon as possible.
    Customer service usually handles problems with the orders.
    He will deal with the difficulties of the marketing campaign.

    Deal with es un verbo particularmente útil, puedes utilizarlo en diferentes contextos y además cuenta como phrasal verb! Si quieres conocer más phrasal verbs como deal with para tu trabajo este post puede interesarte.

    Finalmente, casi todos los problemas tienen solución, podemos usar estos verbos

    To solve (a problem)- resolver
    To overcome (difficulties)- superar

    We called a technician to solve the internet problem.
    You can overcome difficulties by talking to your team.

    De manera más informal, para arreglar o solucionar algo también puedes utilizar el verbo

    To fix

    She didn’t need help to fix some of the problems.
    There was a problem with the printer but we fixed it quickly.

    Y ahora vamos a ver algunas de estas expresiones en contexto para que veáis cómo podeis aplicar varias de ellas al describir problemas y dificultades en inglés.

    When I first worked in a different country I didn’t have many difficulties to find a job but I had trouble finding a good company to work with. At first I found it hard to speak in a foreign language because people had trouble understanding me. I manage to overcome this situation by talking to everybody, without being afraid.
    I realize that most of the difficulties I faced, were solved with more communication.

    Espero que ahora quede más claro pero si tienes alguna duda o dificultad, puedes dejarnos un comentario.


    2 min.
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