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Continuamos con la serie de posts sobre phrasal verbs para que cada vez te resulte más fácil conocerlos y empezar a utilizarlos. Esta vez prestaremos atención a varios phrasal verbs con come de uso habitual. Como siempre, os los presentamos con definiciones y ejemplos para que quede más claro.

Come on, let’s go! Comenzamos! ✏️


Come about – to happen or occur – suceder, ocurrir.

How did this situation come about?
How did the fire come about?

Come across – to find by chance / accident – encontrar por casualidad.

I came across some old photographs when I cleaned up the attic.
She came across Rob when she was at the bank.

Come along – to develop, to make progress – desarrollar, progresar (o hacer progresos).

How is the project coming along?
I think we are coming along, we expect to finish soon.

Come along – to appear or to arrive – llegar, aparecer.

A bus should come along any minute now.
An opportunity came along and I took the job.

Come along – to go somewhere with someone – acompañar.

We are going to have a coffee. Would you like to come along?

Come back – to return – volver.

He’s not here at the moment. Could you come back later?

Come by – to be able to get something difficult – conseguir.

Cheap organic food it’s not easy to come by.
How did you come by that wonderful apartment?

Come down with – to become ill – caer enfermo.

I’m not feeling well, I think I’m coming down with a cold.

Come forward – to offer to do something, to volunteer – ofrecerse, presentarse voluntario.

Only one person of the team came forward to help.

Come over – to visit someone in their house – visitar, pasarse a ver.

Will you come over on Friday evening?
His parents are coming over for the weekend.

Come out – to become known- conocerse, salir a la luz.

The truth will come out sooner or later.
When is the new edition coming out?

Come (a)round – to change your opinion – cambiar de opinión (dejarse convencer).

In the end, we came round and accepted their expert advice.
I think they will come round to our way of seeing things.

Come (a)round – to visit someone – pasarse a ver.

Sure, come (a)round! I can show my new collection.

Come round – to recover consciousness – recobrar la consciencia.

She was coming round, but she was a bit confused after the surgery.

Come up – appear, happen, occur (unexpectedly) – ocurrir, surgir.

I’m sorry I miss the meeting, something came up in the last minute.

Come up with – to think of an idea/ a plan – pensar, dar con una idea o un plan.

They came up with a fantastic plan to make processes more efficient.


Los phrasal verbs son un tema recurrente a la hora de aprender inglés y una forma de ampliar vocabulario y comunicarnos como lo haría un hablante nativo, échale un vistazo a otros posts de esta serie sobre phrasal verbs aquí ????

???? Phrasal verbs con take
???? Phrasal verbs con get
???? Phrasal verbs con look


Es importante aprender a usar los phrasal verbs en un contexto adecuado y también es necesario identificarlos cuando los utilizan los hablantes nativos, así te resultará un poco menos «tricky». Presta atención y observa cómo los usan para después ponerlos en práctica en tu speaking.

Come on! You can do it!


To care is to share (o dicho de otra forma, si te ha gustado comparte!)

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    Quizás también te pueda interesar
    Cómo hablar de problemas y dificultades en inglés

    En nuestra vida diaria, tanto personal como en el trabajo, tenemos que enfrentarnos a situaciones difíciles y a problemas de todo tipo.

    En el post de hoy veremos cómo hablar y describir problemas y dificultades en inglés. Let’s go!

    Para describir problemas y dificultades podemos utilizar varias estructuras, con palabras como difficult, hard, problem, trouble…

    To have difficulty
    It’s difficult / hard to (do something)
    I find it difficult / hard to (do something)

    I had difficulties to find my first job.
    It is hard for him to understand complex technical texts.
    I find it difficult to speak on the phone in English.

    Más opciones con el verbo have + problems / trouble

    To have problems with (something)
    To have trouble with (something)
    To have problems (doing something)
    To have trouble (doing something)

    He usually has trouble with the wi-fi connection.
    We will have problems with the budget.
    They had problems installing the new version.
    She has trouble writing mails in English.

    Observa: utilizamos problems normalmente en plural pero trouble suele ir en singular.

    Otros verbos que podemos usar para referirnos a situaciones difíciles:

    To face a problem / a situation – enfrentarse a un problema

    We faced some problems when we launched the website.

    To run into difficulties– encontrarse con dificultades

    They run into difficulties to change the trip arrangements.

    To deal with a problem / a situation- manejar, ocuparse de un problema y tomar las acciones necesarias para solucionarlo.

    En este caso, podemos utilizar varios verbos con un significado similar

    To manage
    To handle
    To tackle

    We need to tackle this problem as soon as possible.
    Customer service usually handles problems with the orders.
    He will deal with the difficulties of the marketing campaign.

    Deal with es un verbo particularmente útil, puedes utilizarlo en diferentes contextos y además cuenta como phrasal verb! Si quieres conocer más phrasal verbs como deal with para tu trabajo este post puede interesarte.

    Finalmente, casi todos los problemas tienen solución, podemos usar estos verbos

    To solve (a problem)- resolver
    To overcome (difficulties)- superar

    We called a technician to solve the internet problem.
    You can overcome difficulties by talking to your team.

    De manera más informal, para arreglar o solucionar algo también puedes utilizar el verbo

    To fix

    She didn’t need help to fix some of the problems.
    There was a problem with the printer but we fixed it quickly.

    Y ahora vamos a ver algunas de estas expresiones en contexto para que veáis cómo podeis aplicar varias de ellas al describir problemas y dificultades en inglés.

    When I first worked in a different country I didn’t have many difficulties to find a job but I had trouble finding a good company to work with. At first I found it hard to speak in a foreign language because people had trouble understanding me. I manage to overcome this situation by talking to everybody, without being afraid.
    I realize that most of the difficulties I faced, were solved with more communication.

    Espero que ahora quede más claro pero si tienes alguna duda o dificultad, puedes dejarnos un comentario.


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