Quiero susbcribirme

Ayy! el amor, llega el día de San Valentín y no podemos dejar pasar esta oportunidad para hablar del amor. En el post de hoy veremos varias maneras de decir «I love you» y también otras expresiones para hablar de amor y relaciones.


Saying I love you

Cuando te gusta alguien pero aún es demasiado pronto para decirle te quiero

I have feelings for you– siento algo por ti
I fancy you– me gustas
I’m falling for you– me estoy enamorando de ti

Si lo tienes más que claro

I love you– te quiero
I’m in love with you– estoy enamorado de ti
I’m crazy about you– estoy loco por ti
I’m totally into you– estoy loco por ti
I’m hooked on you– estoy pillado por ti
You mean so much to me– significas mucho para mi
We are meant for each other– estamos hechos el uno para el otro

Cómo referirnos a nuestra pareja, nuestro partner que no «our couple». Somos una pareja, a couple porque somos dos, pero si lo estás presentando puedes decir, this is my partner o mejor boyfriend – girlfriend – wife – husband según aplique.

Pero en realidad, es nuestra media naranja, our soulmate, our significant other, our better half, he/she is the one!


Talking about love

Puede que alguien te guste to have a crush on someone pero aún no te atrevas a pedirle salir to ask someone out y tener una cita to go on a date.

A veces puedes enamorarte de alguien a primera vista love at first sight. O simplemente enamorarte to fall in love with someone.

Cuando sales (o en otras ocasiones, nunca se sabe) puedes ligar con alguien, to flirt with someone or to hit on someone.

Si no has tenido suerte, puede que te hayan dejado plantado to stand someone up en una cita on a date.

Si la cosa va bien, puede que esa persona se te declare y te haga «la pregunta» to propose or to «pop» the question. ¿Qué pregunta?, pues will you marry me? Entonces ya estareís comprometidos engaged y habrá un anillo de compromiso engagement ring. Él será el prometido fiancé y ella la prometida fiancée. Luego habrá bodorrio wedding y seguramente también luna de miel honeymoon.

Pero no todo es amor en el paraíso, a veces discutimos to have a row y puede que hagamos las paces to kiss and make up. O puede ser que nuestra relación esté atravesando dificultades our relationship is on the rocks.

Si la cosa se pone fea, la relación se rompe to break up with someone or split up with someone. Puede que nos dejen to get dumped, o que lo dejemos nosotros to dump someone.

En fin, que nos desviamos del tema, hoy habíamos venido a hablar del amor no? A continuación más expresiones idiomáticas relacionadas que puedes utilizar con esa persona tan especial:

To be head over heels– to be madly in love with someone-estar muy enamorado de alguien, pero mucho.
E.g. I’m head over heels for you.

To be a match made in heaven– ser una pareja «hecha en el cielo» vamos, perfecta.
E.g. They are a match made in heaven, they are perfect for each other.

To have eyes only for someone– tener ojos sólo para alguien.
E.g. She has eyes only for him. She adores him.

To take one’s breath away– que alguien te deje sin respiración de lo mucho que lo quieres.
E.g. You take my breath away.

Esperamos que Cupido te apunte con las flechas del amor y puedas utilizar estas frases con esa persona que tanto te importa!


To care is to share (o dicho de otra forma, si te ha gustado comparte!)

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    12+1 phrasal verbs que puedes empezar a utilizar hoy en tu trabajo

    Hey buddies! Hoy os explicamos 13 phrasal verbs que puedes comenzar a utilizar en tu trabajo hoy mismo.

    I know, los phrasal verbs nos dan un poco de miedo y pueden ser estresantes. Además no nos resulta nada natural utilizarlos, pero si poco a poco los vamos incorporando en nuestro discurso, nos sentiremos más cómodos. Es importante conocerlos, no sólo para utilizarlo nosotros, sino para entender a otras personas cuando los usan.

    Hoy os explicamos algunos que os pueden resultan de gran ayuda, vamos allá!

    El primero es uno de mis favoritos porque es super útil, lo puedes utilizar en mucho contextos

    1. To deal with (something or someone) – to manage, to take the necessary action, especially in order to solve a problem.

    We have to deal with problems every day.
    He has excellent abilities to deal with people.

    Normalmente si tenemos que ocuparnos de un problema, hay que encontrar soluciones, para esto podemos usar

    2. To find (something) out – to discover a fact or a piece of information

    We found out what the problem was.
    They’ve found out the cause of the delay, it was a shipping mistake.

    3. To figure (something) out – to understand, to be able to know the cause of a problem and find a way to solve it.

    At first I couldn’t figure out the answer.
    We’ll figure it out and suggest a solution.

    4. To work (something) out – to work until you find a solution.

    After some difficulties we could finally work out the budget problem.
    Don’t worry, we will work it out.

    Para solucionar cosas, ayuda mucho tener buenas ideas

    5. To come up with (an idea, a plan) – to suggest or think of an idea, plan or solution.

    We came up with a completely new approach.
    She has come up with an excellent idea.

    A veces, es también necesario revisar y considerar las cosas de una manera más detallada, estos otros phrasal verbs pueden ayudar

    6. To go over (something) – to review. Also, to examine something carefully.

    Let’s go over the mail before sending it to our clients.
    They’ll need to go over the report to identify common issues.

    7. To check (something) out – to examine something to make sure it’s correct, true, satisfactory.

    Could check out the report first?
    Sure, I’ll check it out and let you know.

    8. To think (something) through – to consider something carefully.

    We will think this proposal through and get back to you in a few days.
    Let me think it through before making a final decision.

    Otras veces es necesario tener las cosas muy claras e incluso consultarlas con alguien más

    9. To spell (something) out – to explain in a very clear way.

    I’ll need to spell everything out to the team, so that they understand.
    She had to spell it out for us to get a clear idea.

    10. To run by (someone) – to tell someone about something, to make sure they understand or approve.

    I’ll have to run this by my boss before we agree to the deal.
    Can I run your proposal by our committee first?

    Acabamos con otros phrasal verbs más faciles, pero igualmente útiles en el contexto de trabajo.

    11. To get back to (someone) – to call, write or speak to someone at a later time.

    I’ll get back to you with an answer later.
    Can you get back to me when you have a moment?

    12. To put off – to postpone

    The meeting has been put off until next week.
    We can’t put off this decision.

    13. To call off – to cancel

    I got a couple of meetings called off today.
    They’ve called off the marketing campaign.

    Por último, un truco para que la tarea de incorporar algunos de estos phrasal verbs nos dé menos miedo.

    Elige solo 2-3 para empezar y ponlos en contexto para que te resulte más fácil identificar el significado, inventa un párrafo cortito, por ejemplo:

    Last week we had to deal with a complicated situation at work. First, we found out it was a problem of communication. Then, someone came up with the idea of doing some interviews to team leaders to figure out what was exactly the problem. We ran the results by the HR department and finally a decision was made to implement some changes.

    Poco a poco empieza a ponerlos en práctica de esta manera y cuando ya tengas dominados esos, repite el proceso con nuevos phrasal verbs.

    Easy peasy!


    3 min.
    15 Phrasal verbs con take que ya tendrías que conocer

    Hey buddies, hoy toca post de phrasal verbs, I know, they can be hard y no siempre es fácil entenderlos y luego ponerlos en práctica. Hoy nos centramos en los 15 Phrasal verbs con take que ya tendrías que conocer. No worries, si aún no los conoces te los explicamos con significado y ejemplos, uno por uno.


    To take after someone – to look like someone, to have a similar appearance or personality- parecerse a alguien

    Mike takes after his mother; they both have the same blue eyes and blond hair.
    Everybody says Beth takes after her grandmother, they have a talent for art.

    To take something apart – to disassemble, to separate something into smaller parts- desmontar

    He’s always taking apart all types of mechanical toys.
    I think I should take apart my computer and clean it properly.

    To take away something – to separate, to remove – apartar, quitar, llevarse

    Could you take away this old chair? I don’t want it anymore.
    If you don’t study harder, we’ll have to take away your telephone.

    To take something back

    1) to return something – devolver algo

    He bought some shoes but they don’t fit. He will ned to take them back.

    2) to admit that you did/say something wrong – retirar (algo que has dicho)

    Sorry for saying those words to you, I take it back.

    To take something down

    1) to separate something into parts – desmontar

    After the concert finished, the crew took down the stage.

    2) to write on paper – escribir, tomar nota de algo

    Let me take down your phone number, just in case.

    To take someone in – to let someone stay in your house – dejar que alguien se quede en tu casa.

    He was having a hard time finding an apartment, so we took him in for a month.
    You are so nice to take me in, I cannot thank you enough.

    To take something in – to assimilate or understand information – comprender o asimilar información.

    The speaker said interesting things but it was a lot to take in.
    I’m reading this manual and I can’t take it in.

    To take off

    1) to rise in the air (an airplane) – despegar (un avión)

    The plane will take off in 30 minutes.

    2) also to become successful or popular very fast – despegar en sentido figurativo.

    Recently, their blog has taken off and now they are very popular.
    Her career took off when she started working in publicity.

    To take something off

    1) to remove (clothes) – quitarse (ropa)

    As soon as I get home I take off my shoes and change my clothes.

    2) not to work for a period of time – tener un día/semana libre (sin ir al trabajo)

    She took a week off to visit her family in France.
    I’ll take two days off next week.

    To take someone on – to hire someone – contratar a alguien.

    We need to take on a new cleaning lady.
    Our company is taking on more employees next month.

    To take something on – to accept some work or responsibility – aceptar/asumir responsabilidades

    Do you have time to take on a new project?
    She took on more tasks in order to get promoted.

    To take (it) out on someone – to make someone feel bad, because you are feeling bad too – tomarla con alguien

    Hey, I understand that you’ve had a horrible day, but don’t take it out on me.
    I was stressed and I took it out on him.

    To take over something – to take control of something – asumir el control de algo

    His real intention was to take over the company.
    A large holding has taken over our company and there will be some changes.

    To take up something

    1) to fill space or time – ocupar espacio o tiempo

    These books are taking up all the space in my room.
    This project is taking up more time than I expected.

    2) to start doing something regularly – comenzar un nuevo hábito

    I’ve recently taken up yoga.
    Why did you took up golf?

    To take somebody up on something – to accept an offer- aceptar una invitación.

    You’re always welcome to stay with us when you’re in Paris.
    Thank you, I’ll take you up on that the next time I come to France.

    Esperamos que no haya sido demasiado para asimilar, a lot to take in y que te animes a poner algunos de ellos en práctica, verás que tu confianza con los phrasal verbs pronto despega, it will soon take off, y si por el contrario te has quedado con ganas de más phrasal verbs aquí tienes «Los mejores phrasal verbs con get, descúbrelos!»


    4 min.
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